The `tools` directory

Mar 4, 2022

A general and less tooling-intensive approach to automating routine project tasks.


It’s fairly common for the authors and maintainers of a software project to accumulate routine tasks as the project proceeds. Common examples of this:

Many projects also sprout more esoteric, project-specific tasks - as I write this, I’m working on one where “delete an AMI from AWS” is one of the things I’ve had to automate.

Many software projects also end up relying on a build tool - make, classically, but there are myriad others. These are tools that are designed to solve specific classes of routine problems (in fact, generally the ones listed above).

I’ve often seen these two factors converge in projects in the form of a build tool script that contains extensive task-specific support, or in some cases where a build tool such as make is pressed into service as a generic task service and does none of the work it was designed to do in the first place.

This has a couple of consequences.

First, the configuration language for these tools is invariably unique to the tool. make is the least prone to this, but Makefiles require careful understanding of both shell and make variables, Make’s unique implicit rule system, and the huge number of variables and rules implied by the use of make in the first place.

Adding utility tasks to projects using scons, Gradle, Cargo, Maven, or any other, more modern build tool involves similar assumptions and often a very specific programming language and execution model. Even tools like Gradle, which use a general-purpose language, impose a unqiue dialect of that language which is intended to facilitate the kinds of build tasks the tool is designed around.

So, writing and understanding the utility tasks that exist requires specific skills, which are orthogonal to the skills needed to understand or implement the project itself.

Second, it creates a dependency on that tool for those tasks. They can only be executed automatically when the tool is available, and can only be executed by hand (with all that entails), or reimplemented, when the tool is absent. Often, build tools are not expected in the end-user environment. Projects either end up having to different approaches for tasks that might run in both development and end-user environements versus tasks that run in only one of the two.

The tools approach

To address those consequences, I’ve started putting routine tasks into my project as shell scripts, in a tools directory.

The shell is a widely-deployed, general-purpose automation tool that handles many routine administration tasks well. For software which will be delivered to a unix-like end environment, developers can be confident that a shell will be present, and the skills to write basic shell scripts are generally already part of a unix programmers’ repertoire.

These scripts follow a few principles to ensure that they remain manageable:

More generally, the intention is to encapsulate the commands needed to perform routine tasks, not to be complex software in their own right.

If you’re using a project-specific shell environment (with direnv or similar), add tools to your PATH so that you can run tool scripts from anywhere in the project. Being able to type build and have the project build, regardless of where you’re looking at that moment, is very helpful. For direnv’s .envrc this can be done using PATH_add tools.


No approach is perfect, and this approach has its own consequences:


This site is built using two tools. tools/build:

#!/bin/bash -e

cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."

## tools/build
## Converts the content in docs/ into a deployable website in site/

exec mkdocs build

And tools/publish:

#!/bin/bash -e

cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."

## tools/publish
## Publishes site/ to the S3 bucket hosting

exec aws s3 sync --delete site/ s3://

Another project I’m working on has a tool to run all CI checks - tools/check:

#!/bin/bash -ex

# tools/checks
# Runs all code checks. If you're automating testing, call this rather than
# invoking a test command directly; if you're adding a test command, add it here
# or to one of the tools called from this script.


This, in turn, runs the following:

Yet another project uses a tool to run tests against a container:

#!/bin/bash -e

cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."

## tools/check
## Runs tests on the docker image.


py.test \
	--image-version "${VERSION}"
